Monday, June 23, 2008

On Modern Lackings

Dear Visitor(s),

It saddens me in the modern world to see that we have thrown away courtesies, kindness and patience for wanton speed and impatience. Today I heard and saw the following whilst working at the usual eatery:

  1. I greeted the customers and not one acknowledged my presence with a reply of "Hello.." or the more modern (and rather curt) "Hi..."; some of them who did greet me did so with less warmth than I myself have done or with a regrettable pang of artificiality.
  2. The distressing and worry-inducing utterance and curse of; "For f***'s sake..." One does wonder how such a rather ill-tempered and portly woman manages the beings around her called children while she navigates her way through whilst not being in a little auto-related mishap.
  3. No thanks given for the service I provide: at this, I myself let out a small, inaudible sigh. I may not be the one slaving away in a steamy kitchen, but still, I would like some thanks, just like everyone else who works where I do.
  4. "I'm sorry. No, not really.": Alright, how should I start at this conundrum? I remember that it started with the accident of a spillage. If it is truly a customer's fault, they should at least apologize for calling us up to clean a mess that they could avoid in future and not mock us or say anything tinged with sarcasm. A dandy-lady such as myself wonders if these dining ruffians/Dandy and Gentleman poseurs treat their women in this manner also, which is quite unforgivable in my book.
  5. The playing of loud automobile music: The playing of music is quite alright in my opinion, but does everyone who owns an auto must play music at a loud volume with their windows down? Not everyone likes the music another might enjoy these days, and plus I would like to keep my hearing as long as I can to appreciate songs of my own, for I am not at the ripe old age of losing my ears just yet. It is a surprise that the young man doesn't get arrested by traffic police for the excessive volume.
It is something of a defeat according to this rather long and detailed listing, but I must press on despite society's failings and win at least one victory before the week is out.

Yours, etc.
Dandy Girl

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